We’ve all seen it, crime is on a rise in the largest cities in America. Whether it’s a hate crime, unmotivated attack, robbery, gang related, etc.; we’ve all seen this is a growing problem in the country. However, it seems that with today’s politically correct culture, everyone is afraid of pointing out factors that directly relate to these crimes due to fear of offending someone. We have to be able to discuss what is going on honestly without filtering the truth to be able to find solutions to these problems. We however can’t allow these truths to become grounds for creating conscious or unconscious negative biases to anyone with similar characteristics to those that commit crimes.
New York City has seen its share of a rise in violence over the last two years in particular. Still in the process of recovering from the pandemic, the city has gone through allot. As If the coronavirus wasn’t enough crime is on the rise and decency is at a rapid decline. It seems it’s become regular to see groups of drug dealers on Broadway and 27th or someone being harassed by a mentally disabled person on the subway. Seeing people be scammed in Times Square is unfortunate to see especially knowing that many of the victims are tourists getting their first impressions of the city. The personal experience as a local is seemingly normalizing seeing crime and mentally ill on daily basis.
Crime is obviously on the rise in “the safest big city”. Whether it’s random attack, drugs, gangs, or hate crimes we’ve all seen the issue of rising crime in some form. In the events of 2020 we’ve seen it become socially acceptable to turn our backs on the ones that have ours when we need them most. Our treatment towards law enforcement and undeserved sympathy towards criminals has caused the situation New York City faces today. From the President down to our city officials we’ve all seen leadership weak on what should be the number one priority for any politician, public safety.
The majority of the crime we’re seeing in the city happens on the subway with the perpetrators being mostly the homeless and mentally ill. The rise in crime can be seen also on the streets in the city’s busiest areas like Times Square most notably. The criminals were seeing on the news have criminal backgrounds but are still allowed on the streets to be a danger to others. The NYPD has their hands tied due to the lack action from our criminal justice system to keep bad people off the streets. The homeless who are on the streets are not a representation of people who are just down on their luck. Most of these people unfortunately are freeloading drug addicts who do nothing but drag the quality of our city down. These addicts need real resources for their illness rather than the enabling of their addiction by today’s PC culture.
The hot topic right now across the country is Asian hate crimes. Today’s media would rather push the narrative that people are looking to harm Asian Americans rather than talk about the truth, crime is on the rise for everyone. The narrative of Asian hate is on the rise due to covid or Trump is false; violence against Asians and everyone else is on the rise. Asian hate is just a hot topic that blames the problem of lack of policies to strengthen law enforcement on something superficial. Let’s be honest, who’s committing the majority of these “hate” crimes in large cities? The mentality ill and felons. These people have been enabled by progressives and are not held responsible by their actions because politicians don’t want to offend their voters by being in favor of law enforcement. Asians in particular are a victim of a more neanderthal related emotion than hate which stems from some level of reasoning. Asians are not known as a tough or confrontational group, therefore those who look to harm people will naturally pick the easiest victim they can, which in many cases are those of Asian descent. We see this in nature as a predator hunts its prey, it will pick the easiest target it perceives of a herd.
In NYC our politicians have to start acting on the facts and not the emotions of some citizens whom are irrational. We as a society at large have to get real about crime. Out progressive systems and constant need to be politically correct is getting in the way of public safety. Virtue signaling is at an all-time high, no surprise crime is as well.