
A Black American’s Two Cents

Currently in America, I’m beginning to feel that who I am is becoming less meaningful than what I am… that being a Black American in 2020. According to three groups of people to be specific; non-black black supporters, the media, and worst of all the majority of people that look like I do. Although my opinion is just as valuable as anyone’s two cents, I felt an obligation to get the way I feel about current events off my chest. I could go on for days about what I feel about the world and my opinions on what can be done to fix these issues but I’ll give just a few points that have come to mind. 

The rioters and protesters that are currently in the streets are wrong and don’t represent everyone with black skin

This may come as news to a lot of people but everyone with black skin doesn’t think the same or share the same values. We’ve decided over the years to put ourselves in the bubble which is the “black community” or “the culture”. Then we have sub-groups under these umbrellas such as Black Lives Matter, which is hard to find if you’re a black man in the wrong neighborhood and die because you looked at another black person the wrong way. In my opinion when blacks or anyone else for that matter put ourselves in these groups and subgroups it just goes to show how weak the individual pieces are that form these groups. 

The rioters are criminals that are taking a terrible situation for George Floyd and his family as an excuse to be what they really are at heart, lowlifes and criminals. 

There is absolutely nothing that stealing and burning down the country will solve. These people are fully aware of this and are using a man’s death to commit crimes. This is something that Floyd himself was against. Do these criminals really care about getting justice for police brutality?

Protesting solves nothing when it comes to the issue at hand. 

The protesters offer nothing but their words…. actions speak louder than words when it comes to getting something done. Support the family financially, vote for local and state leaders that have policies that strengthen your community, support or create organizations that represent victims of police brutality, or even better, become a member of law enforcement and change it from within.

The media is making this about politics and you all are just soaking it in like sponges.

Do you really think these people on TV understand the personal struggle you go through on a daily basis… Do you really think the politicians they’re selling to you are the solution to your problems?  If the answer is yes… you’re lost

Non-black protesters. Stop.

Non-blacks who are out protesting although they have “good intentions” are worse than the white people that most blacks vilify… they don’t think you can solve your problems on your own. They want to hold your hand through everything because you’re not good enough to succeed by yourself. Most of you just accept this. Next thing you know you’re eating out of that hand like an animal. Do you want to be an animal? To any non-black reader that feels the need to help, you can help by minding your own business. This isn’t your problem to solve and never will be. 

The problems in the black community won’t stop until each individual looks in the mirror and gets their shit together

We cannot change what our ancestors have been though in the past or control all the changes we face on a daily basis. With that being said we make a choice every day on the way we carry ourselves. This section could get very deep but can be put in a very simple way; stop playing the victim and get over it! Yes, life isn’t fair and especially for us. Individually we all make a choice on if we’re going to continue to be a victim or get up and jump over every hurdle life puts on our track. We can’t control racism or anything that happened in the past, but we can change the way we carry ourselves today and everyday going forward… that goes for everyone.

Storming the White House? 

Last thing I want to say is that anyone that tried storming the White House should be ashamed of themselves. No respect for the office of the president and people that flat out work harder than you do. If they want to see who’s going to make this country fail all they have to do is look in the mirror.

I like to leave off with clip of Grant Cardone on protest. The points made are extremely relevant to today’s issues.